7 Foods Your Body Craves During Springtime


7 Foods Your Body Craves During Springtime

All winter long you've sipped warm mugs of hot tea, roasted vegetables, and spooned up savory soups and stews, but we're here to tell you—spring is finally here! It's time for greens and other bright colors to be brought back onto our plates. Thank goodness, right?


Hope for Miscarriages


Hope for Miscarriages

In this short video you'll hear a patient story of a woman who came to Hope Clinic because her and her husband were hoping to start a family. This woman had suffered from multiple miscarriages.


Heavy Sweats, Hot Flashes, Fevers & Chills Case Study


Heavy Sweats, Hot Flashes, Fevers & Chills Case Study

Searching for answers

A 52-year-old woman visited Hope Clinic with heavy sweats/hot flashes/fevers and chills during both day time and night time. She complained of being completely fatigued and felt absolutely no energy. She had been hurting all over (neck, back, shoulders, spine, hips) for years. Her ears hurt at night and she was having difficulty with constipation. She had been getting headaches for two years. She had also been very dizzy for last two months and had a long history of Meniere’s disease herself and for generations in her family. The patient also had a long history of anxiety. She was diagnosed with Lymes’ infection two months before and had been peri-menopausal for three years (cycling every 3 months).

We used our team approach at Hope Clinic for diagnosis and treatment. The patient was diagnosed with...


Smarter Ways To Avoid A Running Injury


Smarter Ways To Avoid A Running Injury

Dr. Brad advises his patients to always, whatever you do, always avoid running on the side of the road. Many of the stress fractures Dr. Brad has treated here at Hope Clinic were due to a patient running along the road. So what’s the problem with road running?


How Is Hope Clinic Changing Lives?


How Is Hope Clinic Changing Lives?

Sometimes all the body needs is a little extra support

We believe every person who walks through the door here at Hope Clinic has their own, unique health journey. Our practitioners work with our patients to find the support their individual body needs at this time.

In this short video, a few Hope Clinic patients share in their own words about their experience of receiving natural care from Hope Clinic practitioners. From sleep problems, severe knee pain, chronic constipation, miscarriages, ADD, ADHD, ear infections, and kid’s common cold and flu, we continue to believe that your body has the ability to heal itself!

Watch this two-minute video to learn more.



For first-time patients, we invite you to come to our free, monthly Hope Class.


Helping Your Body Overcome Depression or Anxiety


Helping Your Body Overcome Depression or Anxiety

There is hope for depression and anxiety

If you find depression or anxiety to be a part of your everyday life, we want you to know there is so much hope for you and your body. To help your body through anxiety or depression we need to address all aspects of your body: the physical, the mental, and the emotional. All three parts of you play an important role in your body’s overall wellbeing and health.

At Hope Clinic, we will work together to find what aspect of your body needs extra support.

Identifying the support your body needs most

First we’ll want to see what is hindering the physical aspects of your body. What areas of your body might be experiencing inflammation? What are your body’s energy levels like?

If we can get a person’s physical energy up, sometimes this person’s emotional energy will simultaneously get the support it needs, too. But if this doesn’t happen, then we can turn to homeopathy or psychotherapy techniques to help the emotional energy get back in balance.

When a person is struggling with depression or anxiety, most of the time there are life-environment factors negatively affecting the person’s emotional energy. Depending on the needs of your specific body, EMDR, NLP, DBT and other techniques can be extremely helpful psychotherapy options. Sometimes Dr. Brad will refer patients out to exercise classes offering specific techniques to help support your emotional energy. If depression or anxiety have been clinging to your life for awhile, many patients find that homeopathy helps them emerge from longterm depression or anxiety.

Another vital aspect to every human’s emotional health is a good, supportive network. Even if you have a supportive family and a great group of friends, sometimes you may still need support from someone outside your immediate network. Attending a support group or spending one-on-one time with a therapist can be extremely helpful resources for getting a bit of extra support and perspective in your life.

Hope Clinic can help you find the support you need

Regardless of how long you’ve been dealing with anxiety or depression, there is hope. Whether it’s physical, mental, or emotional support, we will work with you to identify the kind of support you need most.

If you don’t know where to start, we invite you to come to our free, monthly Hope Class. Or you are always welcome to call the clinic and schedule an appointment to see Dr. Brad.


Hope For A Child With ADHD


Hope For A Child With ADHD

Amy and her husband first started bringing their young son to see Dr. Brad at Hope Clinic years ago. Their son, at the time, had just been diagnosed with ADHD and they were looking for alternative natural health options for him.


Hope For A Young Boy With Asperger Syndrome

Hope For A Young Boy With Asperger Syndrome

“Our 10-year-old son has Asperger Syndrome. He had been pulling out his eyebrows and his hair. He was not sleeping through the night and had a lot of angry verbal outbursts. These things had been going on for two to three years.

We saw almost immediate results under Dr. Brad’s care.

Our son began sleeping through the night and quit pulling his hair. His attitude has improved and his reading took off.

I appreciated Dr. Brad’s understanding of the situation and his honesty about how often he really needed to see our son to get and maintain results. I would highly recommend Dr. Brad. He understands the dilemma of families like ours and is always very friendly to our son.

The results have been great and quick.”

 - a thankful mother


Can Hope Clinic Heal My Disease or Condition?


Can Hope Clinic Heal My Disease or Condition?

Can Hope Clinic heal my disease or condition?

With new patients coming through our clinic doors all the time, this is a question we are often asked. From your very first appointment, we want our patients to know that at Hope Clinic we don't cure diseases, instead our goal is to improve how your genetics are expressed. This is called epigenetics.

You see, your body was meant to heal itself. The only reason you are alive right now is because your body is constantly healing and repairing itself. At Hope Clinic we depend entirely on epigenetics to allow the healing process. Almost all of our genetic expression is from a pool of genes—not just from one gene that’s unchangeable.

After millions of dollars of research invested into mapping the human genome that’s why we’re no closer to solving most diseases. The truth is most of those diseases have already been solved. Your body already has a way to heal and repair most conditions.

So how do you stimulate this healing and repair?

That’s a great question. The good news is there are many ways to help stimulate your body to heal and repair itself. Your body is an organism made up of many wonderful and complex facets—you are so much more than just a grouping of several parts.

To help stimulate your body’s healing and repairing, we see if we can find what’s inhibiting your natural healing process and then take away that inhibition. If we can do that then the possibilities for healing and repairing are almost endless.

One thing we do know is your body needs certain things to repair itself. One of those things is appropriate movement like exercise. Another thing your body needs is appropriate building blocks like nutrients. In order to carry out digestion and energy production, you must have the appropriate solvent in the form of water.

Another thing we know about your body is how you think about yourself, the people around you, and your environment all play a role in how your body repairs itself. Believe it or not, the amount of rejection, support, stress, warm fuzzies, laughter, and fear you experience in your daily life also play an important role in your body’s ability to repair.

Your body’s healing process is unique

At Hope Clinic we’ve found that sometimes all it takes is changing one area that’s imbalanced. Other times we’ve had to change multiple areas or support multiple aspects of healing in order for your body to repair itself. You are a unique individual and have become dependent on unique processes in order to heal yourself. We are here to try to help you find what will work for you.

If we can elicit better genetic expression, these positive epigenetics can allow amazing healing to happen.


Unpacking Your Complex Kidney System


Unpacking Your Complex Kidney System

In western medicine we tend to think of the kidney system as pretty straight forward and simple: the kidneys are what control and maintain our mineral status and blood pressure. But in Chinese medicine, the kidney system is understood to be much more complex.
