How To Save Your Body and Shovel Safely


How To Save Your Body and Shovel Safely

We knew that the snow would come sooner or later, didn’t we? This time it looks like it might be here to stay. So before you dust off those snow shovels this season, here are a few tips on how to care for your back before you head out to conquer the driveway.


Bell's Palsy and How Natural Care Can Help


Bell's Palsy and How Natural Care Can Help

Most commonly, Bell’s palsy is experienced as irritation or damage to the nerves that control the movement of muscles in your face. When there’s damage to these nerves, some of the face muscles can be weak or unable to be used at all.


Your Body Was Built To Heal


Your Body Was Built To Heal

Want to know one of the coolest things about your body? Every single part of your body can repair itself. Ever wondered which part of your body grows the fastest?


Hope For Headaches & TMJ


Hope For Headaches & TMJ

“All my life I’ve gotten headaches, but the last 13 years they had been continuous—just to different degrees.

Dr. Brad has worked on and adjusted my neck, jaw, and cranials and given me herbal supplements. It has worked and it’s natural.

I have to drive a long way to see Dr. Brad but he’s worth it. I have far fewer headaches and there are many days I am headache free—it’s wonderful!!

I have told many people about my experience and would recommend Dr. Brad." 

- a wife and hockey mom


Hope For Hot Flashes & Sleep Troubles


Hope For Hot Flashes & Sleep Troubles

"I came to Hope Clinic because I was experiencing hot flashes (20-30 a day), sleeping in short bursts of 1-2 hours maximum at night, and then awakened due to hot flashes and had ceased menstruation.

I was taking a pill form of progesterone and a cream form. I was experiencing lack of memory focus. I couldn’t carry through on projects and anxiety was something that was becoming a building crescendo of rhythm in my thinking. This had started four years ago, but had increased in intensity in the last year and a half.

I had a hard time convincing my medical doctor that I was in peri-menopause, and changed doctors twice in order to be heard. I then saw a PA who specializes in women’s issues and she took my FSH levels which ended up revealing I was definitely in menopause. She put me on progesterone cream and a pill. While these helped reduce the intensity of the hot flashes the anxiety and sleeplessness were still increasing.

I really liked how Dr. Brad, Wells, and Sue worked together with homeopathy, acupuncture, chiropractic, herb,s and nutritional supplements as well as looking at the overall wellness of my body, mind, and spirit. I also appreciated Dr. Brad’s intentional-ness of care and answering questions about “why” and “how” the parts of treatment work together. So very helpful! Gradual change to my diet, vitamins, and current regime, felt do-able with Dr. Brad’s help.

I am now sleeping in 4-5 hour stretches consistently each night. My memory is beginning to engage and be more active. My hot flashes are completely gone. I have not had one for five weeks and I’m on much less medication. Anxiety is no longer overwhelming me and infiltrating my sleep patterns.

While I highly recommend the holistic look at our bodies, it does require some work of active participation with the change of diet, juicing mixture, additional appointments with Acupuncture as well as a commitment to engage with the process.

Dr. Brad is a great partner that invited me to participate with my body on an intimate level of understanding that went beyond just treating symptoms, and into the depth of listening and interacting with my body to bring about healing in a more natural way that allowed my body to respond.

Thanks so much, Hope Clinic. I respect my body more and am aware of how I can consciously engage with listening to my body."

- a wife & mother active in helping others heal



What To Do When You Have Mono

If you or someone you love has had mono or is currently recovering from mono, this person needs to receive some sort of natural care with Chinese medicine. For mono, there are really no other options.



Hope For Miscarriages & Difficult Pregnancies

Have you miscarried and aren’t sure why? Or are you pregnant now and wondering if you and baby are healthy? Bring your questions to the clinic and we’ll see what we can find out. We may simply need to build your blood supply or strengthen your thyroid to set you and baby on a healthier path.



Tooth Care from the Inside Out

We all know to brush and floss after meals. And of course, we need to make regular visits to the dentist. It’s all part of taking good care of our teeth, right? Right. But these important practices only take care of the outside of our pearly whites. What about the inside


Why Do You Get Mono? And What You Can Do To Prevent Mono


Why Do You Get Mono? And What You Can Do To Prevent Mono

Have you ever wondered why it seems that people who seek more medical care seem to get mono more often than those who care for themselves? One possibility is the regular use of antibiotics. While antibiotics can be effective against many bacterial infections, the use of antibiotics during viral infections may increase the risk of chronic viral infections including mono.


5 Practical and Natural Ways To Prevent Mono

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5 Practical and Natural Ways To Prevent Mono

We are most likely to get mono when our energy system is low and worn out and we are exposed to a virus. When the body’s energy is depleted, it’s much harder for our bodies to fight off a virus like they normally would. This creates a prime environment for a virus to waltz in and set up shop in your spleen. If you are already overly tired, stressed, or lacking energy, then your body is likely too weak to effectively fight off a virus.

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How To Beat The Winter Blues


How To Beat The Winter Blues

On these long and dark winter days depressive feelings or an extreme lack of energy can make some of the simplest tasks extremely draining and challenging. This is the time of year when many of us will begin experiencing symptoms of the mood disorder called seasonal affective disorder (SAD).


Do You Have Strong Bones?


Do You Have Strong Bones?

Sadly, many things we’re told to do to avoid bone-related mishaps and disease are based on misleading information. These meant-to-be helpful tips can actually end up contributing to the problem! Shoot. So what’s the real deal? Let’s take it one piece at a time…


Read This Book | Happy Holiday Reads


Read This Book | Happy Holiday Reads

Grab a cozy blanket and a warm mug of hot coco and snuggle up to start reading some of your favorite holiday stories! In case you are looking to add a new winter tale to your collection, our librarian friend, Sally Kimes picked out a few of her favorite reads for this time of year.


Have you been dreaming lately?


Have you been dreaming lately?

At night, when you are fast asleep and cozy in your bed, your brain is still hard at work sorting through all the things you experienced that day. It’s important for Dr. Brad to ask this because dreams can tell us quite a bit about how your young body is doing.


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Attacking Acne

Did you know there’s more to avoiding acne than cleansing the surface of your skin? It actually starts below the surface—way below. In your liver!

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Treating Hair Loss in Women, Naturally


Treating Hair Loss in Women, Naturally

It’s quite common for many women to experience excessive amounts of hair loss and this is not normal. If you are a woman experiencing hair loss, there's good news for you: hair loss in women is usually very treatable.


Right for KIDS exercise shoes


Right for KIDS exercise shoes

Kids exercise and grow strength by playing tag, crossing the monkey bars, riding bikes, swimming at the beach or a whole host of other fun activities. That’s why making a smart shoe choice for your teens and kids is an easy way to help your kids grow as strong and healthy as possible.
