If you give a kid a cookie, it's at least better than a mountain dew!

As we continue to keep your immune system going strong, let's talk about sugar(s).

Inflammation is a key to overall health and the immune system's virus killing powers - the less inflammation the body is having to deal with the more effective our immune system can run.

Hear about the differences between fructose, high fructose (what comes in the soda) and sucrose - our good old fashioned table sugar in homemade cookies.

If we had to choose between a mountain dew or some cookies that have regular table sugar - a cookie is a better choice, listen to Dr. Brad and learn why.

A few words about artificial sweeteners.

Overall Dr. Brad's recommendation is to avoid. It can be tempting to see zero calories listed on a label, but artificial sweeteners have negative effects; some of which lead to overall blood sugar issues and inflammation over time. So even though there may not be much of an insulin increase right away after drinking a diet soda, it can lead to weight gain, nervous system issues and an increase in carbohydrate cravings.

Dr. Brad has seen patients who are experiencing symptoms of headaches and migraines, even MS - and after getting off of artificial sweeteners have seen these symptoms disappear.

Which artificial sweetener is best? Xylitol is one of the safer options as it does not have as many side effects, and it doesn't seem to affect the nervous system as much. If you get too much, it can produce swelling, causing you to hold water. It can benefit the teeth - protecting them from cavity causing bacteria.

A more natural option - stevia is a plant based extract. A benefit is you do not need to use very much to experience a sweet taste. It is still possible to confuse blood sugar over time, but with how a little goes a long way, it’s easier to stick with moderate use.

Trying to get off of soda? Or reduce? Try mixing it with sparkling water - add some fresh lime.

Little changes can lead to some of the most powerful positive changes for your overall health!