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Tips for mask wearing

Tips for mask wearing

Parents have been asking Dr. Brad for any tips to help their kids out at school this fall when it comes to masking, here you go!

Boost your lung health by getting out of breath daily!

Boost your lung health by getting out of breath daily!

Who knew? Part of body’s first line of defense is its mucous membranes. They play an important role in protecting and fighting off viruses that enter our throats, nasal passages and lungs. And what helps activate those membranes is to move!

COVID-19 thoughts and a vitamin list for you

COVID-19 thoughts and a vitamin list for you

Is anyone around here feeling confused?

Overwhelmed? Afraid? Isolated? We hear you.

There’s a head-swirling amount of information out there right now about COVID-19 and, in many ways, life has been turned upside down. We thought it might be helpful to our Hope Clinic community if we chimed in with a few thoughts—and some encouraging words.