Looking for something to help loosen lung congestion? Relieve sinus pressure? Onion packs might just be the helpful solution you were looking for, especially if you’ve suffered, or are suffering, from pneumonia or bronchitis—this is definitely the way to go! The onions heal by opening pores, relieving congestion, and drawing mucous out of the lungs.

How to make an onion pack

What you need:

  • onions

  • old t-shirt

  • some olive oil

  • cheesecloth /mesh bag

  • a hot water bottle or heating pad

  • a bath towel


Cut onion in 1/4s or 1/8s and put it in the cheesecloth/mesh bag.

Rub oil on your chest, put on your old t-shirt, and place the cheesecloth (onions tucked inside) on your upper chest. Put the hot pack on top, and lay a towel over the whole thing.

Now all you need is time. Lots of time.

The longer you leave the onion pack on, the more good it does. We’re talkin’ hours. So grab a book, pop in a few movies, or tuck a few pillows around yourself or your child and cozy in for the night.

For more support, ginger is a helpful home remedy. Learn how to make a ginger bath here.


The first step is attending the next Hope Class. These are held on the second Tuesday of every month at 6:30 at our clinic in New Hope, MN. See a link to our classes page here.

Dr. Brad’s care is unique. And this is good news. As Hope Clinic’s Interdisciplinary Guide, Dr. Brad evaluates each patient considering all the treatment options that may be needed for positive lasting results.

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