Kidney Stones and What You Can Do To Help Your Body Right Now

Kidney Stones and What You Can Do To Help Your Body Right Now

If you’ve ever had a kidney stone, then you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you never, ever want to have another one. Ouch.

You might be surprised to know that each time they go in and break up kidney stones, it gives the person temporary relief but puts that person more at risk for future kidney stones. Why?

Bed Wetting For Kids or Adults and Why It Happens

Bed Wetting For Kids or Adults and Why It Happens

Whether we’re talking about adult or child bed wetting, the number one cause is a kidney deficiency. You read that right. Bed wetting is most commonly a result of a weak kidney system.

Unfortunately, your kidneys can often be the very last thing a western doctor will think of.

Help Your Body Fight Pink Eye


Help Your Body Fight Pink Eye

Pink eye occurs when bacteria are infecting the eye. It’s not uncommon for pink eye to flair up for kids in the first few weeks after going back to school. Why is that? There are many factors to consider...



How To Make An Onion Pack | Natural Home Remedy

Looking for something to help loosen congestion? Relieve sinus pressure? Want to chase away pain in your nose or around your eyes? Onion packs might just be the helpful solution you were looking for, especially if you’ve suffered, or are suffering, from pneumonia or bronchitis—this is definitely the way to go! The onions heal by opening pores, relieving congestion, and drawing mucous away from the lungs.



How To Make A Ginger Bath

A ginger bath is the first and very best thing you can do for your kids when they get sick. Whether your child’s symptoms are nasal or lung congestion, the flu bug or a bad cough, a ginger bath is one of the best natural remedies that can help stimulate the immune system to give the body that extra boost it needs.


Reading & Why it Matters For Your Brain


Reading & Why it Matters For Your Brain

We kicked off something new on our Kid’s Zone blog called Read This Book. Here’s what’s happening: we’ve asked a long-time friend of Hope Clinic, Sally Kimmes to highlight a few extraordinary, fun and imaginative children’s books each month for our Hope Clinic kids.


Hope For Constant Fatigue

Hope For Constant Fatigue

Meet Mike

Mike was going through life constantly fatigued. Even after a good night of sleep, he'd wake up tired. He didn't want to live his life that way.

Should I Get My Kids Vaccinated?


Should I Get My Kids Vaccinated?

In Minnesota, parents still have the right to decide whether or not to vaccinate their kids before sending them off to school. Parenting is full of complicated health decisions. Hope Clinic is here as a resource to help support you and every member of your family.


Hope For The Whole Family


Hope For The Whole Family

Amy and Guy are long time Hope Clinic patients who are kind enough to share their story of how Dr. Brad and the other specialists at Hope Clinic have affected the health and well-being of their whole family.


Hope For Surgery Options

Hope For Surgery Options

Meet Rob

Hear first-hand Rob's story. From wondering if he needs a new hip to help with weight loss, and migraine relief.

Sleep Apnea and Stress Case Study

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Sleep Apnea and Stress Case Study

Relief for a hardworking father 

A middle-aged man came into the clinic complaining of shoulder pain, overwhelming stress, allergies, sinus drainage, snoring, waking up numerous times through the night, and constant fatigue.

On his first visit, Dr. Brad found that he had a restricted airway most likely causing sleep apnea and decreased melatonin production. The patient also had slight hypothyroidism, an enlarged prostate, and spinal misalignments contributing to his shoulder pain.

The results of the treatment have been positive. It worked.
— a hardworking father

The solution was chiropractic adjustments for his lower neck and mid-back in order to increase nerve flow to his throat, thyroid, and shoulder. Specific nutritional supplementation was used to increase prostate, thyroid, and pineal gland production. Specific nutritional supplementation was also used to balance his brain chemistry and help him deal with stress. Specific acupuncture and Chinese herbs were used to decrease inflammation in his throat and open up his sinuses.

After two months of care, this patient has “no bothersome allergic reactions” and is now able to sleep through the night without a CPAP machine. He now has energy to exercise and feels that he can deal with the stressors in his life.

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Hope For Insomnia and Food Sensitivities

Hope For Insomnia and Food Sensitivities

Meet Mindi

After having two kids, Mindi's seemingly random health issues only seemed to get worse. She wasn't satisfied with the answers she was getting from traditional medicine.

What To Do About Bee Stings


What To Do About Bee Stings

Bees, wasps, yellow jackets and hornets, oh my! These little stinging critters play important roles in nature. But sometimes these little insects get spooked and feel like they need to protect themselves. Then suddenly, ouch! You got stung. That’s no fun at all! Dr. Brad wants your body to start feeling better right away.


Hope For A Runner's Knee Pain

Hope For A Runner's Knee Pain

“I gave up running for one year because of knee problems. I was afraid my joints couldn’t take it and that I was causing long term damage. But Dr. Brad was optimistic that it was do-able for me to run.

His treatment was so simple and now I’m running again. My knees are dramatically improved and there are indications that the ligaments around my knees are realigning for better support!

I heartily recommend Dr. Brad. He cares and can improve what otherwise might seem hopeless. He believes running when appropriately supported is possible throughout life.”

- a happy runner